2019년  후기 외국인 경쟁률
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지원자 현황

캠퍼스 대학 모집단위 외국인 특별전형
서울캠퍼스(Seoul) 공과대학(Engineering) 건설ㆍ도시공학부[Urban and Civil Engineering] 3
전자ㆍ전기공학부[Electronic and Electrical Engineering] 1
신소재ㆍ화공시스템공학부[Chemical Engineering and Materials Science] 0
정보ㆍ컴퓨터공학부[Information and Computer Engineering] 3
기계ㆍ시스템디자인공학과[Mechanical and System Design Engineering] 0
건축대학(Architecture) 건축학부 건축학전공(5년제)[Architecture(5 year program)] 6
건축학부 실내건축학전공(4년제)[In terior Architecture(4 year program)] 19
경영대학(Business Administration) 경영학부[Business Administration] 33
문과대학(Liberal Arts) 영어영문학과[English Language and Literature] 2
독어독문학과[German Language and Literature] 0
불어불문학과[French Language and Literature] 0
국어국문학과[Korean Language and Literature] 6
법과대학(Law) 법학부[Law] 1
경제학부(Economics) 경제학부[Economics] 1
미술대학(Fine Arts) 예술학과[Art Studies] 3
동양화과[Oriental Painting] 0
회화과[Painting] 7
판화과[Printmaking] 0
조소과[Sculptures] 1
디자인학부[Design] 170
금속조형디자인과[Metal Art and Design] 2
도예ㆍ유리과[Ceramics and Glass] 1
목조형가구학과[Woodworking and Furniture Design] 1
섬유미술ㆍ패션디자인과[Textile Art and Fashion Design] 121
서울캠퍼스(Seoul) 소계 381
세종캠퍼스(Sejong) 과학기술대학(Science and Technology) 전자ㆍ전기융합공학과[Electronic and Electrical Engineering] 0
소프트웨어융합학과[Software Science and Engineering] 0
재료공학과[Materials Science and Engineering] 0
건축공학부[Architectural Engineering] 0
기계정보공학과[Mechanical and Design Engineering] 0
조선해양공학과[Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering] 0
바이오화학공학과[Bio Chemical Engineering] 0
상경대학(Business Management) 상경학부[Business Management] 0
광고홍보학부(Advertising and Public Relations) 광고홍보학부[Advertising and Public Relations] 8
조형대학(Design and Arts) 디자인컨버전스학부[Design Convergence] 3
영상ㆍ애니메이션학부[FilmㆍAnimation] 10
게임학부(Games) 게임소프트웨어전공(공학계)[Game Software] 4
게임그래픽디자인전공(미술계)[Game Graphic Design] 12
세종캠퍼스(Sejong) 소계 37
총계 418