2024학년도  전기 외국인 편입학  경쟁률

    ※ 최종 마감 현황입니다.

최종 마감 현황

부모 모두 외국인인 외국인, International applicant whose parents are both non-Koreans 경쟁률 현황

대학 모집단위 지원인원
(College of Liberal Arts)
국어국문·창작학과(Department of Korean Language & Literature/Literary Creative Writing) 2
영어영문학과(Department of English Language & Literature) 0
일어일문학전공(Division of Foreign Language & Literature of Japanese Language & Literature) 0
프랑스어문학전공(Division of Foreign Language & Literature og French Language & Literature) 0
문헌정보학과(Department of Library & Information Science) 0
사학과(Department of History) 0
기독교학과 (Department of Christian Studies) 0
(College of Engineering)
정보통신공학과(Department of Information and Communication Engineering) 0
전기전자공학과(Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 0
멀티미디어공학과(Department of Multimedia Engineering) 0
건축학과(5년제)(Department of Architecture(5-year course)) 0
건축공학전공(Division of Civil & Architectural Engineering of Architectural Engineering) 0
토목환경공학전공(Division of Civil & Architectural Engineering of Civil & Environmental Engineering) 0
기계공학과(Department of Mechanical Engineering) 2
화학공학과(Department of Chemical Engineering) 0
신소재공학과(Department of Advanced Materials) 0
(College of Smart Interdisciplinary Engineering)
컴퓨터공학과(Department of Computer Engineering) 0
산업경영공학과(Department of Industrial and Management Engineering) 0
AI융합학과(Department of Artificial Intelligence) 0
수학과(Department of Mathematics) 0
빅데이터응용학과(Department of Big Data Application) 0
(College of Economics and Business Administration)
경영학과(Department of Business Administration) 1
회계학과(Department of Accounting) 0
무역학과(Department of Global Trade) 0
경제학전공(Division of Economics of Economics) 0
중국경제통상학전공(Division of Economics of Chinese Studies and Economics) 1
호텔항공경영학과(Department of Hotel, Airline Service and Management) 0
경영정보학과(Department of Management Information Systems) 0
(College of Social Science and Law)
법학전공(Division of Law of Law) 0
법무법학전공(Division of Law of Judicial Service Law) 0
행정학과(Department of Public Administration) 0
경찰학과(Department of Police Science) 0
정치·언론학과(Department of Politics, Communication Studies) 0
사회복지학과(Department of Social Welfare) 0
아동복지학과(Department of Child Development and Guidance) 0
상담심리학과(Department of Counseling Psychology) 0
사회적경제기업학과(Department of Social Economy Business) 0
(College of Life Science and Nano Technology)
생명시스템과학과(Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology) 0
식품영양학과(Department of Food and Nutrition) 0
화학과(Department of Chemistry) 0
스포츠과학과(Department of Sport Sciences) 0
바이오제약공학과(Department of Biopharmaceutical Engineering) 0
(Linton Global School)
글로벌비즈니스전공(Major of Global Business (Taught entirely in English)) 1
글로벌미디어·컬처전공(Major of Global Media & Culture) 0
아트&디자인 테크놀로지대학
(College of Art and Design Technology)
융합디자인학과(Department of Convergence Design and Art) 0
회화과(Department of Fine Art) 0
의류학과(Department of Clothing and Textiles) 0
미디어영상학과(Department of Media and Visual Communications) 0
총계 7